Monday, April 4, 2011


1. If you want to get music into audacity, go to project and import audio.
2. Project, new label track.
3. Remember to bring in earphones.
4. The dumbell tool is a time shift tool.
5. Selction tool is useful to select what to edit.
6. Envolope tool works by clicking mutiple times to add points which shrinks or enlarges the points.
7. The pencil tool zooms in the waves.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

flash mx codes

This is the First Person Shooter tutorial codes. Part 1:
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
{ Mouse.hide();
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
onClipEvent (mouseDown)
{ _root.ammo.nextFrame();
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
onClipEvent (enterFrame)

Part 3:
_root.gotoAndPlay ("gameover") ;
NOTE: the game over actionscript is only placed on your last keyframe for ammunation and health. and you can rename the gameover to the name you placed on the key label on the game over scene.
stop action is placed on other frames on your health except for the last one also remember to put the stop action on ur main frame of the game (where your guns etc are on) also place stop action on the game over frame! Part 4:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

onMouseDown = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)){
place that on "enemy" movieclip;

place that where the enemy is attacking (BEFORE HE DIES)

_root.enemy.gotoAndPlay ("attack") ;

place that on frame names, on top of the standing stance one frame after the attacking animation.


end of the death animation

Part 5:

go in the crosshair movieclip
the select the gun movieclip
and paste this actionscript on it

onClipEvent (mouseDown)

{ this.gotoAndPlay(2);

go inside the "gun" movieclip and place


on frame 1 and 6 frames 2,3,4,5 are animation of the gun shooting..
Connect via Meebo

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

drop shadow / reflection

1. put all your layers in to 1 folder and call it ipod
2. make 2  copies of the folder
3. name 1 shadow and the other reflection
4. marge layers in the duplicate folders
5. reflection - >transform it and flip vertically
6. put mask on your reflection and use gradiant or brush tool to make it fade off
7. take your shadow layer and ctrl + click on the icon of your layer to get selection
8. then fill with black
9. then ctrl + t to transform and make it smaller
10. use gassuium blur to blur it and change oppasitty

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

download brushes


layer composition

7 tools of composition
1. higerarchy means organizing things from most important to least important
2.focal point / focus point  means the strongest, most compelling element in a desine
3.eye path : guiding the viewers eye along tyhe path.
4.proportion: the diffrence in size
5.visual weight: the lightness or darkness of a colour
6.type as a visual element:
7.alignment (grid): align things up

desine with intention means dont place things on the page without thought.
use these tools to guide your viewers eye.

Friday, February 18, 2011


the way to get some thing onto another photosop work is you copy and paste, or drag the layer.
the way you size somethign is free tranform - shourtcut is ctrl + T

zoom out if you cant see your handles for the transform
hold shift and then click on the corner to keep it in shape
when your are done transforming it press enter

the shourt cut to make your brush bigger or smaller is square brackets
right bracket makes it bigger and the left one makes it smaller

use the hard brush to go around  a hard object like a car
if you want to blend something use a soft brush with low opasity.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


1. to naviate : navigator, spacebar, hand tool
2. deafult colours are black and white. to get them back click on the smaller boxes
3. selections are inportant so that it doesn't change everthing

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


if you want to mover severral layers at same time use shift to move them togather

- if  u want to edit the backgroung layer double click it and remane it
- the shourtcut to fill  is : alt + delete
-  to get back a selection you click ctrl + click   *click the little square on the layer *
-  make sure you allways name the layers
- slowly turn your layers off to find out what your are looking for

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


how to make a drop shadow:

1. use the text tool
2. write out your name
3.right click on the layer to rasterize type - wont be able to chage it
4. duplicate the layer
5.lock the tansparancy
6.go to edit and fill with black
7.turn lock off
8.then go to filter > blur > gaussim blur
9. change oppasity
10. mover the shadow underneeth the layer
11. make sure the shadow is att the bottom right

how to make a blapple

1. use quick selection tool
2. select the background
3. use polygonal lasso tool to select the stem
4. invet the selection
5. click on the layer adjustment

Monday, February 14, 2011


notes on how to get and image on a diffrent layer
1. you need selection
2. you can copy and paste or drage using the move tool

-to turn a layer on or off you use the eyeball

for shadow click preserver tansparancy
then press fill ,unlock befure you go to blur
 then go to filter -> blur -> gassium blur

to get a slelection back hold down the ctrl key and click on the little picture on the layer


deselect - ctrl + d
invert - shift + ctrl + I

Friday, February 11, 2011


if you wnat to save you selection use save selection
if you want it aging use load selection

colour - image- adjustments- hueselection

shortcut for hand tool is spacebar
zoom - spacebar + ctrl
zoom out - spacebar + alt
to add to selection - shift
remove selection - alt

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


A line could appear loose, free or sharp. These lines are sharp lines. when these lines are connected it make a shape.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Asymmetrical balance

This shows asymmetrical balance because even though the stones are not the same size they balance the see-saw.

Symmetrical balance

This image show symmetrical balance because if this image were to be cut in half you would have 2 equal images.


This image shows emphasis because first you see the the sky then all of a sudden you see the mouth coming out of the blue.


This shows Harmony because it show which colour goes will with other colours. It also shows the harmony between the shapes and the lines.


this show proportion  because they are both dogs however since they are diffrent types of dogs there is a diffrence in height.


This shows rythem because it is a hexagon reperting over and over again.


This is an example of shape because it is a circle.


Colour can draw attention and produce a strong emotional or psychological impact on the audience. This is an example of colour because it shows the colour red which usually means danger. When you think of red you usually imagine blood. The colour is also a bright colour to make the drivers notice it therefore the driver would stop.


Texture of a visual image refers to the way things look or feel when it may be touched. This picture is a good example of texture because if tou were to touch this barrel catus you would get hurt.